Whenever someone switches jobs, he definitely expects a good salary. No matter how talented you are, it is not necessary that you will be offered the salary you want. Especially, in most places, women are still discriminated against in terms of salary. In such a situation, it becomes very difficult to get the desired salary. This is an issue on which you have to talk very carefully during the job interview. If you do not negotiate the salary smartly, then either you have to lose a good job or you have to work at a lower salary even if you do not want to.
If you do not want to face both these situations, then you will have to complete this tricky task very wisely. Keep in mind that you should talk to HR in such a way that not only you can justify the salary demanded by you , but they should also not feel that you are being too greedy or you are giving more importance to money than work, because for any company, the commitment of its employee towards the company and work is very important. So today we are telling you about some such easy tricks, with the help of which you will be able to easily negotiate the salary during the interview and at the same time you will also get the desired salary-
Do market search

It is very important to search the market before demanding or wishing for any salary. Therefore, before going for a job interview, you should prepare yourself thoroughly. Talk to some people from your own field. Also, look at the salary of those people whose job experience and educational qualification is similar to yours. Not only this, also look at the review of the company where you are going for the interview. It is not necessary that every company can offer the same salary. For example, if you join a startup, then the chances of getting the desired salary are very less. But there you can give a good growth to your career.
hope it is right

If you want to get the salary you want , then first you have to make sure that your expectations are correct and the company’s HR considers them. Therefore, always expect a salary hike only after searching the market. If you expect more than required, then your salary will not increase, and you will also lose a good job.
Focus on timing

It is very important when to talk about salary during a job interview. Try to always talk about it at the end of the interview. First, tell HR about your skills. Also, try to convince them through your words that you are a perfect fit for that position. When HR feels that they have found a great employee for their company, then they can think about the salary and at that time it becomes easier for you to negotiate about the salary.
this is also the way

Even if the company offers you the desired salary , never say yes immediately. Take some time. Also, try to tell HR through your words that you are very excited about your new role, but the salary is not in accordance with your position, work experience and professional achievements. In this way, HR reconsiders the salary. If you are not getting the desired salary, then you can ask HR about other benefits. For example, whether they will provide you commuting facility, mobile expenses or other facilities or not. If the company is ready for this, then you can think about a new job.