Managing Anxiety: How To Listen To Your Body

In this video I had just finished wrapping up a session and I wanted to end the day talking about something that came up in the session. My hope was that it could help benefit someone. 

Struggling With Anxiety

I wanted to talk about anxiety and the fact that a lot of us within the community struggle with anxiety. It can be different forms of anxiety… it can be something as simple as general stressed that we experience from basic life events or it can be more debilitating which happens to us in the form of panic attacks. Either way, it’s important to understand that our bodies are experiencing a stress response, where there is something that our body perceives to be a threat. Whether it be physically, emotionally, or psychologically, our body is always scanning our environment for threats to ensure that we stay safe.

Sometimes the amount of anxiety that we experience is out of proportion to the situation that come up. 

What I explain in the video is how important it is to manage your anxiety, because if anxiety starts to take over your life or if you start to experience it at very high levels not only can it be debilitating but it can also cause physical symptoms. 

If you want more information on how to manage your anxiety check out my free audio and workbook guide on 5 Steps to Managing Overwhelm in Career and Life. 

Once you download the free audio, the Mastering Overwhelm Guide will be emailed to you.



Meet Manicka

I created The Social Work Success Path blog and podcast, during the pandemic of 2021 to provide online education and mentorship for Social Workers. I felt very isolated and disconnected being only in the second year of running my private practice. I strongly considered going back to work when everything shut down. The resources and tools that I share helped me to maintain my practice through the pandemic and plan a successful transition as a Social Work content creator, doing work that I love and connecting with Social Workers all around the world. I did this in the span of 1 year, but using the resources, trainings and tools that I have pulled together, and all my all lessons learned, you can make your career transition much sooner than I did!

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