8 Critical Social Worker Interview Questions AND Answers

You’ve done it… you’ve made it past the resumé and job application phase of your Social Work job interview. Now you’ve been invited to the job interview which can be both exciting and nerve wracking…Now I know some of you are asking…What will I say?…What will I wear?…What if they ask me something that I don’t know the answer to? What will I say about being fired from my last position? Before you get into an anxious tizzy, lol, just  watch the video and read the steps below to make sure that you make a good first impression with the company. 

Not only do I want you to listen to what I am saying in the video, I also want you to watch my hands and body posture. In addition to talking…you want to display extreme confidence.

Something else that I wanted to share with you is a recent article by Career Addict, that gave 10 more Social Worker Interview Questions and Answers. I’ve shared their questions and answers below if you are “on a mission to become a Social Worker.”

  1. ‘What made you go into social work?’

Sample answer: ‘I want to make a difference in the lives of maltreated children. I see and hear about the challenges they face every day in abusive/unhealthy households, and I want to be the one to improve this situation. Being a child protection social worker can help me help them find the right direction in life. I thrive to not only help but also empower, motivate and advocate for this target group.’

  1. ‘Why have you chosen this specific field of social work?’

Sample answer: ‘I grew up dealing with a family member fighting against alcohol abuse, and now that I am old enough, I believe it is the right time for me. Seeing it first-hand has taught me how these fighters think and what they need.

  1. Can you tell us your strengths and weaknesses as a social worker?’

Sample answer: ‘I believe I have great communication skills. In fact, I’ve been told I’m quite a people-person. I can remain calm in conflict situations and find the right solutions in times of crisis, and I find that I am extremely responsible. I would say that my weakness is perhaps being too honest, although this is a trait I am working to improve.’

  1. ‘How do you balance your work and personal life?’

Sample answer: ‘I’m a rather organized person, and I’m able to separate between work and home. I’m willing to give this job 100% because it’s something I’m extremely passionate about.’

  1. ‘Would you be prepared to make home visits?’

Sample answer: ‘I am absolutely ready and mentally prepared for home visits. I’m aware that these situations can be challenging, but I have enough experience/confidence to do it. In the case of an uncomfortable circumstance, I know to remain calm and seek help if need be. Either way, home visits are the best way to get to know a client outside of the office.’

  1. ‘In your experience, what kind of clients are the most difficult to work with?’

Sample answer: ‘I certainly find it hard working with uncooperative, angry clients, although I never give up in motivating them. In a difficult situation, I always put myself in the client’s shoes. 

  1. ‘Can you tell us any vivid signs of abuse?’

Sample answer: ‘Mood changes are a tell-tale sign. Depression, social withdrawal, sensitivity or acts of violence are clear symptoms of possible abuse. Most evident are the physical changes in the client such as unexplained bruises, cuts or scars. Minuscule signs such as broken toys or glasses could also signal abuse.’

  1. ‘How do you plan on building a relationship with the client?’

Sample answer: ‘I want the client to feel that they can open up to me and see me as a friend rather than just their social worker. By spending quality time with them, laughing, crying with them and expressing empathy, they should feel more relaxed with me.

  1. ‘How would you handle a difficult/aggressive client?’

Sample answer: ’During challenging situations like this, it’s very important that you stay calm and collected. You must avoid retaliating, shouting or taking things personally. By showing empathy, listening and staying composed, you will have better control over the situation, and you’ll show the client that you’re not against them but very much with them.’

  1. ‘Why should we hire you for this position?’

Sample answer: ‘I am self-driven and eager to make a change in the lives of my target group. I’m ready to meet new clients who need support and, most importantly, I’m constantly up for a challenge. With my great interpersonal skills, responsibility, vast experience and determination to succeed, I believe I can certainly be this positive change for those who are in need.


The author graciously concluded with, “we hope that these social worker interview questions and answers have best prepared you for your social work interview.” I share the same sentiments and wish you continued success in your Social Work job interview!

Click here to be linked to the full article: Top 10 Social Work Interview Questions and Answers. 

Meet Manicka

I created The Social Work Success Path blog and podcast, during the pandemic of 2021 to provide online education and mentorship for Social Workers. I felt very isolated and disconnected being only in the second year of running my private practice. I strongly considered going back to work when everything shut down. The resources and tools that I share helped me to maintain my practice through the pandemic and plan a successful transition as a Social Work content creator, doing work that I love and connecting with Social Workers all around the world. I did this in the span of 1 year, but using the resources, trainings and tools that I have pulled together, and all my all lessons learned, you can make your career transition much sooner than I did!

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